MiRaGe Audio Visual Media Apps

CLOX 8 (timezone clocks) 8.0.2
CLOX 8 is an easy to use app with clocksshowing the time in a series of time zones of your choosing. Otherfeatures include: a daylight map which shows you where it is nightand day in different parts of the world; a calendar; a searchabletimezone reference database, and a news feature called CLOX TIMESwhich aims to keep users up to date with changes to timezones andclock changes for daylight saving across the globe.Up to ten timezone clocks can be displayed at once, these can beanalog, digital or both, in addition to local time and UTC (GMT).You can instantly customize the look app to your taste, choosingfrom no less than fifteen different styles. as well as being ableto change the language and the size of the clocks and otherelements.Being so simple and intuitive to use you might never need toread the instructions but a detailed user guide is included just incase. What's more, first class online and email support isavailable for free if you still have a question. CLOX is aninvaluable well crafted tool for knowing, at any time, exactly whattime it is in other parts of the world. Great if you have family,friends or business associates in other timezones